Cary Defensive Driving

Last Updated: April 14, 2021 |
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Cary is a town in North Carolina. Most of the town is located in Wake County, but a small portion of the town is in Chatham County. Cary has an estimated population of 166,268 residents. It’s the largest town in North Carolina and remains classified as a town because that’s how it was originally established.

If you live in Cary, you might have concerns about road safety. So far in 2021, there have been 643 traffic accidents in the town. There were 252 accidents in January, 260 accidents in February, and 131 accidents in March. Those numbers are on the high end, especially considering the town only has 166,268 residents.

In general, North Carolina has its fair share of traffic accidents. In 2019, there were 285,074 traffic accidents in the state. There were 125,232 serious injuries, and there were 1,470 fatalities. However, 6.6 percent of those fatalities were out-of-state drivers.

Would you like to become a better driver? If you’re reading this website, chances are you’re interested in a defensive driving course. The course can help improve your driving. You might even get an insurance discount, depending on your insurance provider. Taking steps to improve your driving is a smart move.