Rochester is located in Olmsted County, Minnesota. The city is also the county seat, and Minnesota’s third largest city. As of 2019, the US Census Bureau estimates that Rochester has 115,557 residents. The city’s local economy depends heavily on agriculture, healthcare, and high-technology industries.
The city is most known for its Mayo Clinic, which is ranked the number one hospital in the US. The Mayo Clinic is also the number one source of jobs in Rochester.
The state of Minnesota is known for its icy and snowy roads during winter months. On average, the city receives about 70 inches of snow per-year. Perhaps that accounts for the high number of traffic fatalities in the state.
In 2019, there were 364 fatalities on Minnesota roads. That’s a high number, but it’s less than the 381 fatalities that occurred in 2018. Drunk driving caused 89 of the fatalities, 75 of the fatalities were speed-related, and 34 fatalities were caused by distracted driving.
Have you received a ticket in Rochester? Can your driving skills use some improvement? Enrolling in a defensive driving course is worth considering. Traffic courts will sometimes dismiss a ticket if the driver takes a defensive driving course. You’ll also get a chance to brush up on your driving skills.