Salt Lake City Defensive Driving

Last Updated: April 14, 2021 |
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Salt Lake City is located in Salt Lake County, Utah. It’s the capital of Utah, the Salt Lake County seat, and the most populated city in Utah. The 2019 Census estimates that Salt Lake City currently has 197,756 residents. If you’re one of those residents, then you might have concerns about fatalities on Utah highways.

In 2020, Utah drivers stayed home in droves. Traffic on Utah streets dramatically decreased because of the Covid-19 pandemic. This resulted in fewer traffic accidents. However, according to the Utah Highway Patrol, the number of fatalities and DUI arrests increased.

The fatalities were mostly blamed on speeding, lack of seat belt usage, and distracted driving. So far in 2021, there have been 53,170 traffic crashes in Utah. There have also been 276 fatalities and 23,044 serious injuries.

If you’ve managed to avoid getting into a traffic accident, then count yourself lucky. You don’t want to become another Utah traffic fatality. But if you’d like to improve your driving, a defensive driving course can help. You’ll become reacquainted with the rules of the road, learn the importance of safe driving, and make Utah roads safer for everyone.