Springfield is a city in Hampden County, Massachusetts. It’s the third largest city in the state, and is known as a family-friendly location. Springfield is sometimes called the City of Firsts. This name comes from the city’s history of being first in many areas – including automobile production and the game of basketball.
Where does Massachusetts rate when it comes to safe driving? The latest statistics are a bit surprising. As of March 2021, there have already been 14,038 traffic crashes in the state. There have also been 39 traffic fatalities. Pedestrians and cars have had 157 collisions. And 41 bicyclists have had collisions with cars.
It’s probably safe to assume these numbers will increase as the year continues. Speeding, distracted driving, and driving under the influence are a main cause of traffic accidents. All of these behaviors are avoidable, so there’s really no excuse for drivers engaging in these behaviors. It makes the streets unsafe for all residents. Bad habits behind the wheel can kill.
Have you received a ticket for speeding? Were you caught driving without a seat belt, or maybe running a stop sign? You can possibly get your ticket dismissed by taking a defensive driving course. If your ticket is dismissed, that also means you won’t have to pay a fine. The defensive driving course will also help you become a more confident and safer driver.