St. Louis is not one of the worst cities to drive in. Ranked 109 out of 200 in Allstate’s Best Drivers Report, the city is about average when it comes to safe driving. But although St. Louis is not among the worst cities for drivers, the risk of getting into an accident is slightly higher than in many other cities in the United States.
Of course, it’s not all good news for St. Louis in Allstate’s report. In fact, St. Louis was once a better driving city, ranked 85th in 2015 and dropping 24 cities down in its safe ranking. Population density and weather events are among the leading reasons for the struggles St. Louis faces with its driver safety.
Regardless of the relative safety of St. Louis roads, drivers in the city should always be on the alert for trouble. Paying attention to hazards up ahead, what other drivers are doing, and always being prepared for trouble can make you safer on the road in St. Louis — even if other drivers aren’t being as safe as you are. A great way to learn these skills and more is to take a defensive driving course. With a defensive driving course, you will be able to develop important skills for safe driving, update your driving knowledge, and learn more about the laws and regulations concerning traffic in Missouri. Ultimately, defensive driving will help you become a safer driver with better skills and alertness every time you get behind the wheel.
In your defensive driving course, you’ll learn some of the most important skills and knowledge for improving your driving experience and safety. Specifically, you’ll learn techniques for avoiding accidents, traffic tickets, and other incidents. The course will include training in predicting hazards, spotting unsafe drivers and driving conditions, and learning how to avoid them. Drivers in the course will also get an update on Missouri traffic laws. With defensive driving, you can become a safer, more responsible driver with updated skills for avoiding accidents and traffic tickets.
Becoming a safer driver is the most important outcome of a defensive driving course, but there are other benefits available including dismissed traffic tickets and lower auto insurance rates. Often, Missouri courts will allow drivers to waive their traffic violations if they complete a defensive driving course. And many auto insurance companies like to reward drivers for completing defensive driving courses with a discount on auto insurance. Some will restrict this discount to drivers with a safe driving record or drivers of a certain age, but it’s a good idea to check if you’re eligible even if you don’t meet this criteria. Waiving traffic tickets and getting insurance discounts are a great way to make safe, defensive driving help you save money.
If you’re interested in completing a defensive driving course in St. Louis, look no further. Our list includes the 10 leading defensive driving schools in the city. Each of St. Louis’ best defensive driving schools is experienced, trusted, and committed to delivering superior defensive driving education to every student. Their instructors are highly qualified and ready to help drivers improve their skills for safety on the roads of St. Louis.
We’re proud to list each of the leading St. Louis defensive driving schools here, so we haven’t ranked them in any particular order. Of course, we know that one of them still has to be the best. But we’re leaving that up to you. We invite you to participate in our poll to tell us which St. Louis defensive driving school is the best one in the city. Use the poll at the end of this article to vote for the one you think is best. Just don’t wait to submit your vote: we will close the poll in 30 days!
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